Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cake Mix Cookies

My favorite recipes are desserts, appetizers, and anything easy! I do cook real meals, but I don't usually use recipes unless it is for a special occasion. The cake mix cookie is one of my favorites because it is so quick and easy with only three ingredients, but people still seem to think they count as homemade. Grandma Duncan shared the recipe with me many years ago, and like Grandma, I now keep all the ingredients in my cupboard just incase I need to pull together a quick snack or dessert.

1 box cake mix (any variety)
2 eggs
1/2 cup solid shortening

Roll into balls the size of buckeyes. Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

This recipe can be varied. I usually use yellow cake mix, and roll them in cinnamon and sugar to mimic snicker doodles. I have also used funfetti and frosting, or strawberry rolled in plain sugar. Grandma also made lemon, and Gracie and I have made chocolate cake mix with snicker bars crushed up in the mix. The picture above was our newest experiment. It is a yellow cake mix with crushed up heath bars and peanut butter chips.


  1. Libby,
    This (and many others posted on this site) is the kind of recipe I dreamed of getting through this blog! It looks like a big hit and something unique. I always feel guilty when I have a meal and then don't have something sweet to offer, which is nearly every time. I am glad to have this good dessert recipe to use from now on!

  2. Another variation would be chocolate cake mix dough rolled in powdered sugar for cookies similar to Chocolate Softies. Ohhh, I just thought of spice cake cookies. Kraft makes little caramel balls about the size of chocolate chips that would fun to add to some variations.

  3. Thanks for posting, Libby! Now, I don't have to call you for the recipe every time I want to make these. :) I like to make strawberry cake mix cookies and drizzle melted chocolate on top. They look like you spent tons of time making them, even though you didn't.
