Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Day of the Blog Creation

Last night when I read the email about getting the blog set-up I told my husband about our recipe club.  He looked at me with a blank stare and then laughed.  I said "What?!" and he replied to me "That is the funniest thing I've heard! Sarah doesn't even cook, she eats at restaurants or orders out and  you just copy all of your recipes from Weight Watchers.  Shortie cooks like it's 1892 and uses real bacon grease on everything. What are you guys going to share?" I laughed too! :)


  1. Leah,

    That is funny! Good to hear from you. Matt will reap the benefits soon enough. One of these days, he'll be eating something and say, "What is this? It is good." And you'll say, "I got the idea from the blog."

    Matt does have

  2. Hmmmm! Matt's going to see just the Betty Crocker that I am sometime verrry soon! That is when I finally add to the blog...in 10 minutes :)

  3. This is a great first post. Love the 'run-down' analysis your husband provided of the blog writers. Well, he can think what he wants. I just started paging through and ALL of the recipes look yummy, regardless of where they originated! Can't wait to see more!

  4. If Seth or Amanda would ever pick up their lard out of our refrigerator from the pigs I helped butcher, they would also have lard to use in addition to yummy bacon grease.
